Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
What is the Cub Scout age range?
Youth can join a Cub Scout Pack once they have entered the Kindergarten. We have programs from Kindergarten through fifth grade. Once the Scout completes the fifth grade program, he moves on to a Boy Scout troop.
What is the responsibility of a parent of a new Cub Scout?
Cub Scouting is a family activity. Parents are encouraged to participate in all aspects of the Pack. Parents of Kindergartners and first graders MUST attend ALL Scouting functions with their Scout including weekly den meetings. There are always ways for a parent or guardian to be involved. Without our parents, the Pack will not go!
How do adults get involved?
All Packs are chartered to a local organization. The chartered organization serves as a sponsor of Scouting and is essentially the owner/operator of the Scouting unit. In this role, the head of the organization approves all adult volunteer leaders. All leaders are required to take our child safety course called “Youth Protection,” and specific training for their role in Scouting is available either online or in a classroom setting. To help the organization maintain a quality program, there is a person assigned to be a liaison between the unit and the chartered organization. In addition, every unit has a committee (typically made up of Scouting parents) that oversees proper operation and ensures a safe and fun program.
What supplies and equipment does a Cub Scout need?
The single most important piece of equipment a Cub Scout needs is the Handbook. Pack 5 provides each boy with their own grade specific handbook with your registration fee.
The uniform is also very important as it plays an essential role in creating a sense of belonging, and it’s where a Scout gets to display his awards and rank achievements. Check out the interactive uniform builder at
. Uniforms can be ordered online or in person at the local Scout shop.
Additional supplies and equipment may be needed for certain activities such as camping trips or field days. What equipment is needed, as well as whether it will be provided by the pack, will vary. Unit leaders will provide information about any required supplies at the beginning of each program year.
How much does it cost to be a Cub Scout?
The annual registration fee is $36. However, most units will require additional fees to cover the cost of certain activities and program supplies. The Cubmaster or Committee Chair can explain all the details about the unit’s annual fee and exactly what it includes.
Is Scouting safe?
Yes. Programs are designed to follow a strict set of rules and policies that can be found in the Guide to Safe Scouting. Every registered adult in Scouting is required to complete a Youth Protection training course and a criminal background check. For more information, visit the Youth Protection page on this site.
Who should be contacted if help is needed?
A Scout's Den leader is the first resource if there are any questions. The Cubmaster is the next source of information, and then finally the Committee Chair.
General Questions Regarding Pack Operations
How often does a den meet?
Cub Scouts meet once each week at their den meeting. Beyond that, it depends on the den leader. A Pack may hold a special activity, such as a service project or outdoor experience, in place of one of the weekly meetings or in addition to the weekly meetings.
What is a den?
A Scout den is a small team of normally six to eight Scouts where boys learn skills together, share responsibilities and take on leadership roles.
Who plans the meetings and activities?
The Pack Committee made up of the parents of the Scouts plan, set up and carry out the day to day operations of the den and Pack activities.
What happens to funds in my Scout's account if he leaves Scouting?
If your Scout drops out of Cub Scouts and does not immediately transfer into a local Boy Scout troop, this balance has no cash value and cannot be recovered. Balances are not transferable to other Scouts, but can be used for siblings. Balances hold no cash value outside of Pack 5 Scouting activities.