100% will learn something from Scouting. Almost all will develop hobbies that will add interest to them throughout the rest of their lives.
50% will earn varying degrees and profit from their Scout training.
30% Will drop out in their first year. Perhaps this may be regarded as a failure, but later in life all of these men will remember that they had been a Scout and will speak well of the program.
Only rarely, will one ever appear before a juvenile court.
12% will be families that do not belong to a church. Through Scouting, these twelve percent and their families will be brought into contact with a church and continue to be active all their lives in some way and 6% will enter the clergy of his chosen faith.
Approximately 50% will serve in the military and/or their country in some form.
At least 1 will use their first aid and emergency preparedness to save another person's life and many will credit it with saving their own.
4% will reach the Rank of Eagle Scout and at least 1 will later say that he valued his Eagle Rank above his College Degree.
Many will find their vocation through the merit badge work and Scouting contacts.
25% of boys in America will become Scouts, but it is interesting to know that of the leaders of this nation in relation to businesses, religious organizations, and politics; 75% were Scouts.
17% will later become Scout Leaders and will give leadership to thousands of additional boys.
Families that have been in Scouts 5 or more years agree that...
96% of men stated that Scouting developed in them the value of being honest
96% of Boy Scout camp leaders played a role in helping young people succeed and grow
95% of Parents asserted that learning self-reliance and independence is an important reason to have their sons in Scouting
93% of men stated that Scouting taught them how to have confidence in their abilities
91% of men stated that Scouting developed in them how to overcome adversity or problems with courage
91% of men stated that Scouting showed them the value of showing understanding to those less fortunate
88% stated that Scouting and good Family life are natural partners
86% of Boy Scout camp leaders stated that they were able to try an activity or merit badge that they had never tried before
83% of men agree that Scouting has helped them be successful in their careers
83% of men stated that there have been real-life situations where having been a Scout helped them to be a better leader
80% of summer camp youth participated in making decisions
78% of men stated that Scouting builds self-confidence
78% of current Scouts agree that Scouting has taught them to care for others
73% stated that Scouting had a positive effect on Family life in later years
68% participated in a flag ceremony
66% of boys agree that Scouting has helped performance in physical fitness
56% of current Scouts state that Scouting has increased their performance in science
Are almost twice likely to graduate from College (35% versus 19%) of men who were never in Scouts
Reported earning $75,000 in average household income compared to $61,000 who were never Scouts
***Statistics were used from a Harris Interactive research from 1995 to 2005 on the Boy Scouts, men who were Scouts, and Parents.
This story will never end....Since 1910, which is when the Boy Scouts of America has been in existence, and like the "Golden Pebble" of service dropped into the human sea; it will continue to radiate in ever-widening circles, influencing the characters of men through unending time.
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