Our Scouts participate in many activities during the year. Here are a few examples:
- Hiking
- Family Camping
- Canoe Trips
- Fishing Trips
- Montauk Lighthouse
- Tour of the Kings Park Volunteer Fire Department
- Kings Park Heritage Museum
- Color Guard at the LI Ducks Game
- Overnight trips (Frost Valley Scout Weekend, Operation Slumber on the Intrepid)
- Shooting Sports Day at Baiting Hollow Scout Camp
- Pinewood Derby Races
- Annual Blue & Gold Celebration
Part of being a scout is doing Community Service Projects. Each year we place flags at Calverton National Cemetery for Memorial Day. Our Scouts have also participated in the Kings Park Bluff Clean Up, organized food drives, collected toys for the children of Stonybrook Children's Hospital. Each year we march in the Kings Park Veteran's and Memorial Day parades.